So what do you do? You need a quality photographer but they are all out of your budget!
Gardner Photography is one of the best, experienced, Wedding Photographers in the Bay Area. We have the skill, the equipment and the style you need for your wedding. While our standard packages range from$2395-3995, we are now offering packages specially designed for Brides on a budget.
These packages still include the same great Photographer and equipment. They are just slightly modified to make it affordable. Please review the packages below and let us know if you would like to set up a time to meet and discuss your wedding!
Budget A.
6 hours coverage from 1 Photographer
25 edited web-size images on disc
One 12X18in print
All other images and products can be purchased any time a la carte
Budget B.
8 hours coverage from 1 Photographer
25 edited web-size images on disc
One 12X18in print
4X6in Stick Album (pictured below)

Budget C.
8 hours coverage from 1 Photographer
all images, 25 edited web-size images on disc
One 12X18in print
8X8in Stick Album (pictured below)
All other images and products can be purchased any time a la carte

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